Questions & Answers
Thank you to all the customers who have asked these questions below. If you have a question not on this page, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will add it to the site.
What is the best turf to use if I have dogs?
We recommend an ounce weight around 50 to 65 oz, and turf fibers above 1-3/8". Very high ounce weight and short turf will not hold the proper amounts of ZEOFILL® for even a small dog and therefore will not be covered under our warranty.
Where does ZeoFill go? On top of the turf or below the turf?
ZeoFill should definitely be placed on top of the turf replacing any other type of infill. If you have animals, use as much ZeoFill as possible for best results. In some cases, ZeoFill can be used on the bottom of the turf too. Click here to see more questions about this subject. Note: ZeoFill does not warranty if used under the turf.
Is ZeoFill a zeolite? Why does my installer say all zeolite are the same?
ZeoFill is a almond colored premium clinoptilolite zeolite which does not have calcium or the small harmful jagged rocks called quartz (picture below) which other zeolites have.
No, Not all zeolites are the same. Every zeolite mine has different particles embedded in the pit then crushed and put into its bag. We had a recent installer tell a customer all zeolite are the same. (Thank you Robert for bringing this to our attention!)
Again! NOT ALL ZEOLITES ARE THE SAME!!! Don't be fooled into purchasing a less expensive zeolite not fit for artificial grass. If your infill doesn't perform to your expectations, you will not be a happy camper!
White zeolites sold for artificial turf. Will this type of zeolite work on my turf?
Most white zeolites in North America have a known problem which causes the turf fibers to turn white after a few months. This is caused by using a calcium based zeolite in the artificial turf. We have had several instances where customers were sold on ZeoFill but they actually were given a cheap white zeolite instead. You see, most white zeolites in North America have calcium. These white zeolites break down after a good hard rain and the calcium will create damage like discoloring turf fibers or stamped colored concrete.
NOTE: Make sure you ask for ZeoFill specifically. Do be fooled by a distributor stating "Yes! We have zeolite!" This is their way to trick you into buying the other zeolite. Ask for ZEOFILL ONLY!
The majority of our customer calls are complaints on companies who sell them on ZeoFill but install the cheaper zeolite.
What is pumice?
Pumice is a light-colored, extremely porous igneous rock that forms during explosive volcanic eruptions. It is used as aggregate in lightweight concrete, as landscaping aggregate, and as an abrasive in a variety of industrial and consumer products. Many specimens have a high enough porosity that they can float on water until they slowly become waterlogged. Pumice does not have great absorption for urine control in small granular sizes used in synthetic turf. It is much lighter than ZeoFill zeolite and can contain osolite which is a quartz rock.
Some turf supply stores have been tricked into purchasing pumice because it is less dusty but after failed results, the pumice company in California refuses to take back their products after mis-representing the product. Ask us for details.
What is quartz?
Quartz is a crystalline silica which is a solid jagged rock found in most zeolites. When it rains the heavy quartz
travels to the drainage holes in your turf and blocks the water from draining. Due to the sharp edges, it can also
cut the turf fibers over time.
Does ZeoFill have quartz?
No, ZeoFill does not have any solid quartz. We are the only zeolite which does not have the harmful elements.
ZeoFill is not a solid rock. No matter what size the granule, it has tiny holes throughout. ZeoFill drains 100%.
What is the reason for infill in synthetic turf?
Infill serves several purposes:
1. Holds the turf down to help control subtraction and contraction between hot and cold weather.
2. Helps hold the turf fibers upright.
3. Helps in the distribution of water to the weeping holes in the turf.
4. Some infills help in the fight against hot turf fibers. Products like EnviroFill or DuraFill, cork, organic infills, coconut or ZeoFill will help cool the turf fibers. Silica sand, copper slag, and rubber are the among the cause of hot turf.
5. Lastly, urine absorption to help in the fight against odors.
ZeoFill infill accomplishes all of these listed above. This is why ZeoFill has been chosen the number 1 infill for landscape, playground, and commercial applications.
How many pounds of ZeoFill do I need on my artificial grass to help control my dogs urine smell?
Corporate Partners of ZeoFill have used volcano ash for many years on artificial grass and have extensive knowledge of how the ZeoFill granules absorb in the environment. Consumers and some turf installers don't know the importance in providing the proper amount to help remove the urine smell. In most cases, consumers think placing a few bags is enough. Not the case! You must provide enough ZeoFill on top of the artificial grass to absorb all urine your animal produces.
It is important to use as directed.
For the product to work efficiently to help control odors, it depends on the size of the animal.
- Small dogs we recommend using 1-1/2 pounds per (sq ft) square foot on top of the turf as infill.
- Medium size dog 40 to 50 lbs, ZeoFill recommends 2 pounds per sq ft.
- Large dog, we recommend using at least 3 pounds per sq ft. Some turfs oz weight is too thick and will not hold the recommended amounts.
- Multiple dogs, we recommend using up to 4 pounds per sq ft. Some cases you will need to place some ZeoFill under the turf as well.
If you have multiple large dogs on your turf, ZeoFill can only control the majority of the smell. Remember ZeoFill only helps control odors, Not eliminate. You must do regular maintenance using a live liquid enzyme cleaner to get rid of bacteria no matter what type of infill you use.
How many 50 lb bags do I need for my synthetic turf to properly help control urine odors?
100 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 4 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 5 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 7 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 9 bags
200 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 7 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 9 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 13 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 17 bags
300 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 9 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 12 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 18 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 24 bags
400 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 12 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 16 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 24 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 32 bags
500 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 15 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 20 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 30 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 40 bags
600 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 18 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 24 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 36 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 48 bags
700 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 21 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 28 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 42 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 56 bags
800 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 24 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 32 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 48 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 64 bags
900 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 27 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 36 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 54 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 72 bags
1000 sf = 1-1/2 lbs psf - Min 30 bags / 2 lbs psf - Min 40 bags / 3 lbs psf - Min 60 bags / 4 lbs psf - Min 80 bags
(Abbreviations: sf = square foot of turf , psf = per square foot, Min = Minimum number of bags)
Make sure your install company brings at least the minimum bag amount for your size and quantity of dogs listed above.
I have a sick dog and I give him antibiotics, fish oil and steroids, will the ZeoFill work?
If your dog(s) needs special medication, you will need to have more than 300 square foot of turf and place as much ZeoFill in your turf as possible. The medications makes the urine and feces smell worse than usual which makes it harder to clean the turf.
How many kilograms per square metre of ZeoFill do I need on top of the grass as "Infill"?
For the product to work efficiently to help control odours, it depends on the size of the animal.
7kg per square metre small dogs.
10kg per square metre for medium dogs.
15kg per square metre for large or multiple dogs.
For an average dog 5 - 25 lbs / 2.27 - 11.33 kg what would the spread rate be on artificial grass?
1-1/2 lbs per square foot
For an average dog 35 - 45 lbs / 20kg what would the spread rate be on artificial grass?
2 lbs per square foot / 10kgs per square metre.
Two small dogs could equal one large dog. You would need 3 lbs per sq ft. Typically, if one animal urinates on a spot on the turf, the other dog will follow showing dominance. You would need the correct amount of ZeoFill to hold both animals urine.
How many square feet does One 50lbs bags cover?
Small dog (singular) up to 40 lb- One 50lb bag covers 40 sq ft.
Medium dog (singular) 40 to 50 lb- One 50lb bag covers 25 sq ft.
Large dog (singular) 50 lb or more- One 50lb bag covers 15-20 sq ft.
Multiple dog(s) - One 50 lb bag covers 12 sq ft.
NOTE: You must have enough product as specified. Any less will not work. (It's like a dog peeing in a band-aid vs peeing in a diaper) If the dog keeps peeing in the same location over and over again, the ZeoFill granule will not be able to dry.
Will a short pile height turf be able to hold enough ZeoFill if I have a dog?
No, short fibers can only hold a little over 1 pound of ZeoFill. You need more ZeoFill to properly help control the urine smell. We recommend you using a pile height of 1.5 inches or more and 65 oz or less. Using ZeoFill under the turf may help but not as good as on top the turf. If your turf company has a mesh backing, then you can use under the turf as well as on top the turf.
What turf would be the best to use for my dogs?
Our recommendations are to use a turf which can hold the amount of ZeoFill recommended for your size of animal. I would suggest to use at least a 59 oz to 80 oz turf. A lower than 59 oz the turf would not hold up to your animal and may cause your turf to lay down sooner. Any higher than 65 oz could restrict you from adding the correct amount of ZeoFill. Every turf manufacturer specs are different.
Should I be able to see the black or green bottom of the turf after ZeoFill is installed?
No, if your installer has installed the correct amount, there should be at least 1/4" to 3/8" of ZeoFill from the bottom of the turf. Sometimes the thatch (curly fibers) can be completely covered when first installed. This is standard practice. Once the ZeoFill settles over time, then the thatch will start to show.
Why is ZeoFill dusty?
ZeoFill is mined straight out of the ground and processed at our own facility in Ash Meadows, NV. It is crushed and bagged on site. We do our best to control dust particles by double screening our product which takes time and labor. We also have a slightly larger mesh size to cut down the dust. This is the reason our competitors less expensive products are so dusty. For safety reasons, please do not install ZeoFill in extreme windy days. You do not want to upset your neighbors. Once ZeoFill is installed dry then washed after installation, there should not be powder present. Once properly cleaned after the initial installation, the ZeoFill granule does not produce powder. ZeoFill stays in rock form.
Can ZeoFill be installed damp or wet?
No, The ZeoFill granules are to be installed dry. By installing the granules wet causes the installation to be more difficult as the granules clump together and is almost impossible for the granules to travel to the primary backing at the bottom of the turf. This does not in any way harm the product or its composition. Once the granules dry, then they are not clumped anymore. The initial zeolite dust usually comes off on most turf during the initial installation but if the turf has any type of oil which is used during turf manufacture, the zeolite dust can stick to the turf fibers.
Why use ZeoFill zeolite and not another inexpensive zeolite?
ZeoFill zeolite is the only zeolite which does not break down with rainwater over time. We only have zeolite dust during our manufacturing process which has to be cleaned off after installation.
What is in ZeoFill - Is it safe for my dog?
Our ZeoFill is 100% Clinoptilolite Zeolite which contains no quartz - crystalline free silica in which we are truly Proposition 65 Safe.
100% Safe for Children and Pets. 100 % NATURAL VOLCANO ASH , Clinoptilolite zeolite has the best absorption rate of all the zeolite types. It traps ammonia odors longer and has no chemicals added. It is environmentally friendly, “Regarded as Safe” (GRAS), USED as 100% natural fertilizer AND meets all E.P.A. compliance's. ZeoFill is also listed as organic by the OMRI. ZeoFill is the premium brand of clinoptilolite zeolite and does not contain chabazite zeolite which is a very soft and brittle zeolite. Our competitors products contain small amounts of chabazite but don't admit it. But look at their MSDS or Technical Data Sheets.
What is Proposition 65?
It is a California Proposition which warns residence of California that any amount of quartz - crystalline free silica could cause cancer and/or cause birth defects. Any artificial grass installed in the State of California, residential & commercial landscape or sports fields containing free silica must have warning signs near the entrance of your turf. There is up to a $10,000 fine for not complying.
Beware of False Advertising companies stating 98% purity and proposition 65 safe. There is a silica sand manufacturer that is claiming to have a proposition 65 safe product but on it's MSDS it states to have 5% Quartz and .10% free silica. If you have any free silica in your zeolite, then it's not Proposition 65 safe.
Consumers; please do your research and ask questions. Your health and longevity could depend on it.
What if my dog eats the ZeoFill? What will happen?
If your dog eats ZeoFill, it will detoxify your dogs body by removing any metals from its body. You will have one healthy dog. Our mine sells to companies who feed horses, pigs and cows. Our zeolite helps in the digestion of these animals. We use our finer mesh for horse medicine. Although we don't sell for human consumption, our sister company sells to Zeo Gold Corp which does.
Have there been any reports of injuries on the turf using ZeoFill zeolite as infill?
There have not been any reports of injuries using zeolite on turf. Although zeolite is an angular infill, it could potentially scrap the skin if you fall on the turf and the zeolite has been filled too high. On the other-hand, if you are using it for animal urine control, you may need to add more. This is up to each individual to judge. Note: We are not responsible if any injury's occur while playing on your turf.
Will the zeolite hurt an open wound?
As with all turf and its infills, scraps and abrasions could happen. But with zeolite infill, it will not harm the body whether inside or outside. In fact, it acts as a remover of heavy metals in the body. There have been studies that doctors use zeolite to remove heavy metals from open wounds and the zeolite creates a blood clot rapidly.
Zeolite has been purported to have a wide variety of health benefits. According to All Natural Prevention, zeolite has the potential to act as a chelator and remove heavy metals from the body, improve liver function, balance biological pH levels, improve general well-being, control allergies and asthma, improve digestion and act as an antioxidant.
Zeolite is safe when applied to the skin, when put on open wounds and is non-toxic when ingested.
A company called QuikClot® uses zeolites to stop bleeding from cuts or nosebleeds are made with natural clinoptilolite zeolite. Zeolite accelerates the body’s natural clotting mechanism to create a clot.
Will ZeoFill plug the holes in my turf?
No, because ZeoFill is 100% permeable and does not contain quartz. As continuing flow of a water source like rain or water from a hose flows through the turf, the water will be absorbed in ZeoFill's porous, honeycombed like molecular structure then forced directly through it. When the water source ceases, ZeoFill will retain the moisture longer than other infills while still slightly maintaining the odor controlling properties.
How does ZeoFill drain water?
When the zeolite is saturated by existing humidity plus rain, the zeolites porous structure allows draining thru the zeolite even when tight compacted. Evidence of zeolites porosity can be observed when you can walk barefoot on it at 130 degrees Fahrenheit while walking barefoot on sand at the same temperature would land you in the hospital. Sand has no porosity and thus weighs more per cubic foot.
Can ZeoFill absorb urine when the zeolite is wet?
In a landscape situation a saturated zeolite would not absorb ammonia from dog urine well.
Does ZeoFill swell or break down when wet?
Zeolite has no swelling index it does not increase or decrease in size when moisture is added. As a result it does not break down or degrade due to constant moisture or even freezing temperatures with moisture.
Is it ok to use a weed fabric under the turf?
Yes..... Some companies frown on using a weed cloth because urine bacteria holds onto it. Even though bacteria adheres to weed barrier, ZeoFill will help remove any smell that rises from the turf.
When ZeoFill is wet, does cause mold?
No, mold grows were there is continuous moisture. Depending on the mesh size, ZeoFill will dry within a few days.
Will ZeoFill harm the turf fibers?
No, ZeoFill is softer than sand and will crush before tearing the turf due to the honeycombed structure but will last just as long as the turf. ZeoFill is 4 to 5 Mohs. Silica Sand is 6 to 7 Mohs. Several manufacturers have tested ZeoFill sports field mesh on a lipsport machine for 100,000 revolutions which converts to 10 years longevity with great success.
Another major turf manufacturer used our landscape mesh (which is a smaller granule) on a sports field testing machine and is bad mouthing ZeoFill and our processing plant. FYI - Landscape mesh is not going to work on sports field turf. You have to use our sports field mesh which is a bigger granule.
Will ZeoFill hold the turf fibers as recommended by manufacturers?
Yes, ZeoFill has been approved by most major turf manufacturers as a viable product to properly hold turf fibers upright and drain 100%.
What is Mohs hardness?
The Mohs' scale of hardness, determines how hard the zeolite is. If your mohs hardness is too soft, then the zeolite will degenerate in your turf faster. If it is too hard, then it could tear turf fibers. Our mohs is between 4 - 5 which is the perfect hardness for artificial grass as an infill. We are the only company that gives a limited 5 year warranty for degeneration for artificial grass.
Mohs was devised by Friedrich Mohs, a German mineralogist in 1826, was originally based on the susceptibility of a material to be scratched. When adopted many years ago, only ten known materials were listed. Talc, the softest, was numbered No. 1 and Diamond, the hardest, was numbered No. 10 with other materials falling in between. Since that time, calcined and hydrate alumina have been developed and their place on the Mohs' hardness scale has been approximated.
You mention "mesh size" in several of your responses, I am installing synthetic turf myself. The turf company has not mentioned putting down any mesh. What are you talking about?
Mesh size is the size of the ZeoFill granule to be placed on top of the turf. Different applications need either a bigger or smaller size granule to provide the best situation for the application.
What mesh is best for my synthetic turf as 'Infill"?
We have worked hard to provide the least dusty product using these mesh sizes below. Our competition is still using a smaller mesh size which is cheaper to produce. The smaller the granule, the dustier the granule which blows away or washes out quickly.
Depends on the application of turf used;
14 X 30 mesh is best for any turf in the world.
12 X 20 mesh is best for sports turf.
What mesh is best for "under" my synthetic turf?
Use the same mesh as you use on the top of the turf. We do not warranty the ZeoFill under the turf.
What is covered by the warranty? Do I need to do anything after my install?
Warranty only covers against degeneration of granule size. Does NOT cover against urine small. You need to have a current company who purchases ZeoFill directly from ZeoFill Inc. complete your installation. Then you need to fill out the warranty form and send it to ZeoFill Inc. within 60 days of the install. Click here for warranty form.
Why do I need a company who purchases direct? Why can't I use my own company?
Because most companies don't put the recommended amounts of ZeoFill on the turf. We trust our direct dealers to comply with our recommended amounts required. If they don't then we ask the consumer to let us know and we will make sure they correct the problem. We do not have control of independent contractors.
What do you mean some zeolites dissipate into the earth as fast?
Smaller mesh granules have a tendency to work its way down to the lowest point of your sub-base material. Larger mesh size is needed to stay directly next to the turf backing to be able to work properly. ZeoFill has the right mesh size to avoid this.
Why do some installers still place ZeoFill under the turf?
In 2009 turf manufacturers deemed other volcano ash bad for artificial grass because of impurities such as chromium, lead, angular silica, dirt, clay, volcanic glass, in the granule. Companies started to use volcano ash under the turf but that didn't’ work properly. These install companies are used to thinking it should be installed under the turf. Not any longer!
In 2011, ZeoFill's purity, absorption rate and products with no quartz changed their way of thinking and is now the only product approved to be installed as infill. ZeoFill works 10 times better on top of the turf then installed under the turf. Why not catch the urine before it turns into a gas? Putting your zeolite under the turf would be like putting newspaper on top of a cat litter box. That would defeat the purpose.
But can ZeoFill be placed under the turf as well as on top?
Absolutely, as long as you are using it on top the turf too. The benefits of using it under the turf too would be when it rains hard the bacteria is forced through the turf system. The trapped bacteria would try to turn to ammonia but the ZeoFill will prevent it. If your turf company wants to place ZeoFill on bottom only, then we would not recommend it.
Is it okay to add ZeoFill after the artificial grass was installed with regular silica sand or other type of infill? Our landscaper said you are supposed to use either silica sand or ZeoFill but not both.
Some turf installers wanted us to remove this question off our website because they feel they need a heavier infill to hold their specific type of turf down. Our thoughts have been, if you use 2 lbs of silica sand, it would be the same as using 2 lbs of ZeoFill. ZeoFill does take up more space than the typical infill. If your turf fibers are tall enough to hold 2 lbs of ZeoFill along with your existing infill then it is your choice to leave the existing infill in the turf. Our best suggestion is to remove the existing infill using a dry vacuum. It will take a long time to remove the silica sand, but it will be beneficial in the long run. Stragglers of existing infill is still ok so you don’t have to remove all of it. Just be sure to remove most of it.
Silica Sand is a positive charged mineral and holds bacteria in a bad way causing horrible urine smell same day. Whereas ZeoFill is a negative charged mineral which holds bacteria in a good way preventing gases from escaping for long periods of time. If you have both infills in the turf, then they are fighting each other. We have many turf installers who just use ZeoFill only in all their installations with no hold down problems.
Can I install ZeoFill in my putting green?
ZeoFill granular size is too big for putting greens and in most cases you cannot put enough ZeoFill to properly weight down the turf.
What is the recommended frequency for using this Infill? We have a small 20' x 50' patch of synthetic and also wondering about coverage / 50 lb bag.
Typically no need to reapply. The only reason people place more ZeoFill in their turf is if there was not enough applied on the initial install. We have noticed some install companies don't apply the recommended amounts of ZeoFill. Make sure you watch how much they install and question them if they don't.
Coverage based on 20' X 50' =1000 sq ft.
1.5 lbs per square foot for small dog. (30 bags)
2 lbs per square foot for medium dog. (40 bags)
3 lbs per square foot for Large dog or two small dogs. (60 bags)
4 lbs per square foot for multiple dogs. (80 bags) Some turf products cannot hold this amount of ZeoFill so put some under the turf.
What happens if I did not use enough ZeoFill on my turf?
If urine smell starts to accumulate, then you may want to add more ZeoFill. If you have a short fibered turf, then the only thing you can do it spray your turf often with an enzyme cleaner. Have your install company provide you with extra ZeoFill bags just to make sure. Or you can purchase Backyard Deodorizer or PET DEODORIZER in smaller containers to add extra power to your existing ZeoFill.
How often do I need to replace ZeoFill?
Typically - Never. But some animals are fed a high protein dog food which produces much more potent smell and needs more product periodically. If you have a few large dogs and only a small section of artificial grass, then if smell starts to accumulate, you might have to remove the infill and install a fresh batch of ZeoFill. ZeoFill can hold a minimum of 80% of its weight. If urine is saturated for a long period of time, then the negative property ZeoFill will not be able to hold the gases. Urine smell is not covered under our warranty.
How long can ZeoFill hold the ammonium in its honeycomb cavities?
Because ZeoFill holds a minimum of 80% of its weight and is a negative charge property, the ZeoFill will recharge itself when dry but bacteria will still be present. Majority of the time it will hold the gases until the sodium ion in heavy rain water flushes out the bacteria completely. Sodium ion in heavy rainwater forces the bacteria out of the ZeoFill and into the ground. Once dry again, ZeoFill is like new again and will continue to hold any gases from escaping.
Rainwater is naturally Ph balanced due to the presence of carbon dioxide, nitric oxide, sodium ions and sulfur dioxide found in the Earth's atroposphere.
Does it smell after prolonged dry spells without rain?
ZeoFill holds the smell for long periods of time. Eventually you need to remove the bacteria by using an enzyme liquid. This is why we have our PE-51 enzyme cleaner. It is the only enzyme cleaner in which smells like "Fresh Cut Grass". PE-51 is used at all of Amazon's Corporation employee dog urine parks inside their place of business. It is also sold on Amazon, Ebay, and on our online web store at
We don't get much rain, can I flush out the ZeoFill by hosing it off with my garden hose or sprinklers?
Mostly No, Sodium ion (Na+) in rain water will release the granule's power and the force of a heavy rain will flush out the zeolite, forcing it through the turf into the ground making your turf virtually new again. The sodium forces the calcium ions out and recharges the volcano ash when dry. Only sodium ion from rain water can flush out the bacteria. The sodium ion will release the magnetic power in the granule. When rain’s sodium ion forces the bacteria through the granule, it cleans out the system out so the process can begin again.
Yes with conditions, Water from your home is purified by the city and usually does not contain the sulfur dioxide that rain holds needed to completely remove the bacteria from ZeoFill. You can water down your turf, just let the granule dry properly. It takes up to two day to dry. ZeoFill Granules works wet but needs to dry to continuously prevent the gases from releasing. If a dog pees in the same area over and over again, the granule will never dry and eventually release the gases.
How often do we need to run the sprinkler, especially during a summertime dry spell?
For those who don't understand and want a better understanding. Sprinkler systems are usually filtered water. The ZeoFill is made naturally by the earth's sodium and ONLY sodium can release the magnetivity of the granule. Water alone will not clean the granule. Heavy force of rain drops is what pushes the bacteria into the base system. Sprinkler water does not have enough force to push the bacteria into the base system.
If you live in an area where it doesn't rain for long periods of time, then it is recommended to use an enzyme like PE-51 which is a liquid turf cleaner which basically eats the bacteria until rain washes out the ZeoFill.
How often should we treat our artificial turf with ZeoFill 's PE-51?
There are no magic number of days you need to treat your turf because there are several variables including type of food you feed your animals, size of dogs, quantity of dogs, amount of urine produced, square footage of turf, last major rain storm and much more. We just recommend using PE-51 when you start to smell urine odor. If you don't smell anything, then you don't need it unless you are rolling around on the turf. If you have children on your turf, then you might want to use PE-51 more often just to get rid of any bacteria in your grass. The time and amount is up to you. Customers (which have two medium dogs) have told us they use PE-51 every 2 months.
How does rain water recharge ZeoFill?
Sodium Ion in rainwater will release the magnetivity of the ZeoFill granule and then the force of the heavy rain will push the urine bacteria deep into the ground. The ZeoFill granule will naturally recharge itself when it dries again.
How much rain needs to fall to wash away the ammonia and bacteria to recharge the crystals?
This largely depends on soil compaction below the turf - 2 inches / 50.8 mm or more
How effective is Zeofill on an annual rainfall of 50 inches / 850 mm per year?
The more rainfall, the better it is to flush out the bacteria. As long as the ZeoFill is on top the turf in the fibers.
You mention several times that sodium ion from HEAVY rainwater will release the magnetivity.
Will light rain do the same?
This is a great question because light rain will release the magnetivity of the granule but will not be able to flush bacteria through the turf. This will cause urine smell until ZeoFill dries again. This is the only issue ZeoFill has with nature. If you want to rid the smell after a light rainfall, use PE-51. This is the only solution.
Is ZeoFill a better solution than purchasing a liquid turf deodorizer from a bottle?
ZeoFill is a natural negative property product which holds the ammonium bacteria gases from escaping for months even years. Liquid Turf cleaners eat the ammonium bacteria with a enzyme solution which may last only a few weeks. EXAMPLE: Flowers are positive which gives out a smell. ZeoFill is negative which holds smell in. It is best to use an enzyme cleaner every 6 months to remove urine bacteria out of the granule if it doesn't rain for a while.
We recommend using PE-51 enzyme cleaner because it is specifically formulated to work with ZeoFill and we made it to smell like fresh cut grass. For details click here
Can I use ZeoFill on my real sod?
Yes, because it is a 100% natural organic material, it won't hurt live plants. Natural grass is grown with soil, therefore ZeoFill will work its way into the soil and disappear. In artificial grass, ZeoFill will stay in the thatch fibers of the turf as long as the turf is on the ground. The thatch in the turf will hold the zeolite in place.
I have purchased a product similar to ZeoFill from another company. What makes ZeoFill better than the other company?
ZeoFill comes from the purest mine in the world. At 98% purity rate, other companies would have to sell you up to twice as much materials to accomplish the same odor controlling properties as ZeoFill. We also don't have any properties which can destroy or shred the turf fibers and ZeoFill will drain 100%. One company claims to have a 98% purity rate which has impurities that contain lead and volcanic glass (pumice). If it contains Quartz material, then in has the dangerous crystalline free silica which could cause cancer or birth defects stated in Prop 65.
ZeoFill mesh size is slightly larger than the other companies making ZeoFill less dusty and will last much longer.
Can I purchase volcano ash from another company and use it on my grass?
Sure, If you want to void your turf warranty! Every volcano ash sold in the world has different DNA properties and uses. ZeoFill comes from the purest mine at 98% and has a hardness of 4 to 5 Mohs (Not hard enough to tear turf fibers) ZeoFill is the only company approved by most all turf manufacturers in the USA and some in other countries. ZeoFill is the safest infill for artificial grass in the USA and Canada. Beware of imitations! Check with an approved ZeoFill Dealer.
What are problems with other turf deodorizer granules from other mines?
Beware: There are other Synthetic Turf Distributors selling zeolite that are not aware of the harmful impurities which can hurt turf fibers. In 2008, Companies used a zeolite from other mines until warranty problems occurred. Because dogs will run back and forth on the turf, the turf fibers are pulled and crushed. The impurities in the volcano ash would rub against the fiber and shred them causing them to come out in chunks. Also, the impurities in the volcano ash would compact and cause the turf to not drain properly. Some mines contains chromium which is listed by Proposition 65 as unsafe and therefore needs a warning label placed on your turf. Most pure white zeolites are made up of sea shells which are made from calcium. This calcium breaks down fast and will turn your turf white.
What are the different zeolite types?
There are nearly 50 different types of zeolites (clinoptilolite, chabazite, phillipsite, mordenite, etc.) with varying physical and chemical properties. Crystal structure and chemical composition account for the primary differences. Particle density, cation selectivity, molecular pore size, and strength are only some of the properties that can differ depending on the zeolite in question. It is important to know the specific type of zeolite one is using in order to assure that it is appropriate for one's needs.
Clinoptilolite zeolite - the best absorber; used as cat litter, oil absorbent, air & water filtration, animal feed additive ect. Mohs 4-5.
Chabazite zeolite - may be colorless, white, orange, brown, pink, green, or yellow. Mohs is soft and ranges from 3 to 4.
High -silica zeolite - worst absorber; is a general term for zeolites rich in the silica component. Mohs is similar to silica sand.
Phillipsitea - hydrated potassium, calcium and aluminum silicate. Not an absorber
Mordenite - forms well developed hairlike crystals; very long, thin, and delicate. Not an absorber
Is ZeoFill the only brand safe enough for turf?
Yes, ZeoFill has a proven track record for being the superior zeolite in the world. Watch out for false advertisers who are selling generic zeolite in paper bags. We have noticed zeolite companies starting to use plain white bags. Question everything! Call or email us to make sure your install company is truly installing ZeoFill and not a cheap zeolite.
How can I check to see if my installer is putting ZeoFill and not a generic brand?
ZeoFill is a tannish color. Generic zeolites are gray or pure white.
Gray zeolite will change to a light green but has impurities that could cause issues. Stay away from this type of zeolite. Pure safe zeolite is relatively one color.
I have two large dogs on a small area (150 sq ft ) of turf. Will ZeoFill work in this situation?
Great question!
Yes & No, Typically 150 sq ft is not enough area to completely control urine odors. If you put ZeoFill on your turf during the installation, you will not notice the power of ZeoFill. If you wait before installing ZeoFill until your turf starts smelling your grass, then add the ZeoFill. You will then notice the major difference. ZeoFill will help you realize the difference between NOT having ZeoFill on the turf vs. having ZeoFill on the turf. If you put ZeoFill on when temperature is cooler when bad bacterial spores do not grow, you will think ZeoFill is not working in the summer months when bacteria grows and turns to ammonia.
We recommend having at least 300 square feet or more if you have two or more dogs. Dogs are territorial which they will urinate in the same spot as the other dog. Having a larger area for the dogs to use as a bathroom will allow the ZeoFill granule to dry before more urine is introduced.
The company that installed my turf last month recommended ZeoFill but I don't smell my dogs urine now (December). When is the best season to put ZeoFill on my turf?
Anytime is the best time. During the fall and winter months, pet owners don't usually smell their animals urine on turf. During spring and summer months when the weather starts to increase you will start noticing the smell or your neighbors will let you know.
Is ZeoFill truly organic?
ZeoFill product is inorganic, not organic. Organic substances contain a carbon molecule, usually bonded to hydrogen. Inorganic's, like ZeoFill, do not contain carbon. It is ‘certified organic’ only in reference to its allowed use in growing ‘organic’ foods.
Can zeolites turn my turf white during or after installation?
During installation: Yes, any zeolite powder (even ZeoFill) can stick to a turf type which has manufactures oil during their production. Best way to remove the dust from the turf product is to use either a power broom or a stiff broom to push against the fibers as someone sprays water from a hose at the same time. If this does not work, use a product called CLR which can be purchased any box store. It is safe enough to clean your turf.
After installation: White zeolites have been known to poses the ability to dissipate fast and turn everything white after installation due to degeneration. It turns your turf, colored concrete, and other surfaces white. We have had several companies contact us to say that the white zeolites are causing so many issues that they are only using ZeoFill for now on. See testimony on the left.
ZeoFill is not a white zeolite, its a tan zeolite. ZeoFill can not turn turf white after the initial installation. It does not break down or dissipate over time and does not contain calcium from sea shells. It doesn't have the ability to give the turf an action. It only takes away odor and holds liquids. A recent turf warranty replacement has shown ZeoFill zeolite has a record of staying the same size for 10 years in the turf fibers proving ZeoFill does not dissipate over time.
Most likely if your synthetic turf turns white after the initial installation is because of breakdown of calcium. White zeolite from other mines consists of sea shells which is made from calcium. It is also a common issue if your area has hard water. Left are pictures of examples of calcium hard water deposits. CLR from your hardware store is the best product to remove hard water stains.
We have noticed some turf products have a sticky film which the zeodust will adhere to. The zeodust can be removed by doing an extra power brooming step during initial installation.
I have heard every infill in turf seems to dissipate, wear or be removed by nature over time, can I install more ZeoFill without removing the existing ZeoFill?
Yes, it is OK to add ZeoFill Infill as often as you like. The more ZeoFill you add to the top of the turf, the better the urine absorption rate. In fact we have a product called Backyard Deodorizer in a 4 or 8 lb container or Pet Deodorizer in a 20 lb container for consumers to add ZeoFill as often as needed. These smaller containers may cost more online, but are much cheaper to ship verses shipping a 50 lb bag.
Do you have a ratio I can work from on adding ZeoFill for maintenance versus the ratio for a new install?
Sorry NO. Most install companies do not put the recommended amount of ZeoFill in the turf making maintenance ratio difficult.
Does Zeofill blow away in heavy winds or float away in heavy rains (needing to be repositioned or replaced)?
No ZeoFill will not blow away if it is properly installed in the turf system. Product fines created during shipping will blow away during initial installation but not the granule itself. The ZeoFill absorbs moisture in which will make the granules too heavy to be drifted away. Even though ZeoFill is lighter than silica sand, it does not float at all. (Thank you Dave & Teri Brault for asking this question)
Can ZeoFill get caught in the tread of sneakers then damage our hardwood floors? - What would you recommend if that is a concern?
Not sure who is stating this but it is untrue. No, ZeoFill infill will not attract to your shoes like rubber and will not damage hardwood floors. I know this due to I have hardwood floors at my house which has artificial grass with only ZeoFill infill. Once the ZeoFill is installed in the turf, the ZeoFill does not come out. If you track ZeoFill during the installation of your infill, then wipe down your feet before entering your home. (Thank you Peggy for asking this question)
ZeoFill has the most absorption rate (magnetic ability) than any of the zeolites in the USA. Purity is only a part of why our zeolite is the premium choice. If you place our zeolite in a container and place our competitors zeolite in another container you will smell the difference.
I went to a company you listed on the ZeoFill website but they are selling zeolite in a different bag or a plain white plastic bag with a label.
Is this ZeoFill?
Absolutely NOT! We only sell ZeoFill in our white logo'd bags. We do not sell ZeoFill in paper bags. If a company is selling a different bag, please let us know so we can remove that company off our website. We can not control any company from selling the cheaper zeolite, but we can remove them from our advertising benefits.
Notice the green turf on the other side of the fence. This area does not have any zeolite in it. Please do not be fooled into thinking you are getting ZeoFill when you are actually getting a cheap zeolite which could discolor the turf over time. White zeolite have calcium from sea shells which causes this problem. Not all zeolites are the same. ZeoFill zeolite does not do this.
Is ZeoFill safe around swimming pools? What is the beneficial compared to silica sand?
Thank you for your great question. ZeoFill is the safest infill product for artificial turf. It will absorb the pool water and any contaminates will be trapped in the granule. Our ZeoFill as used for algae remover for swimming pools, fountains, ponds, trout farms, aqueducts, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and more. ZeoFill is also used for ice traction control around rivers and lakes by municipalities because it will not hurt the environment. Silica sand's dust is harmful in any application and can cause cancer or birth defects according to California's Prop 65.
Can I put ZeoFill on DG Decomposed Granite and it will work the same, or does it have to be on turf?
Yes you can place the Zeofill on top of the DG. Just keep in mind the product may eventually work its way down into the DG. That is not a bad thing, you can always add more at any time.
DISCLAIMER: Manufacturer nor web-designer shall not be liable for any companies listed on Manufactures website if such companies sell generic brand zeolite without notifying ZeoFill Manufacture. We can not control such companies unless consumers let us know. If such companies market ZeoFill but install a pure white, gray or green zeolite, it is up to the consumer to question the source of the zeolite.
If there is a question which is not on this page, please fill the form below with your question and we will answer as fast as we can. Your question could be added onto this page. Solicitors are automatically deleted.
Shipping questions for our distributors:
You must have a BOL (Bill of Lading) prior to picking up product
Do I need the Purchase Order to pick up product?
Yes, your driver needs to have the purchase order on the BOL
What is your standard pallet dimensions?
48”X 40 ”X 48”
What is the weight for a full pallet - including pallet?
2250 lbs / 1021 kg
What is the NMFC number?
What classification number for shipping?
Class 50
Where is Will Call pickup location?
5390 E. Nye County Rd, Amargosa, NV 89020
Where would the nearest Port for shipping overseas?
Long Beach or Los Angeles
Purity Factor & Absorption rate of ZeoFill
ZeoFill is the best artificial grass pet deodorizer and artificial grass infill. It helps control urine odors by holding onto the ammonium in the pet urine and preventing it from turning into a gas, which is the main cause of smell. This is the choice pet system by leading turf manufacturers in the USA.
Beware: Silica sand manufacturers are copying our website material and stating the same purity.
Purity is the key to choosing the right volcano ash product for an artificial grass application. You don't want to use just any volcano ash product from any mine. ZeoFill has 98% crystalline silica free clinoptilolite, silicon dioxide (SiO2) in food is very important for normal development of bones and is necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.
ZeoFill is free from crystalline silica meaning it is safe for all and does not have to be included in California Proposition 65 warning. It is the safest infill in the world. We do not contain chabazite zeolite which is soft.
(MnO) manganese-oxide mineral which will remove lead from water and soil. (Al2O3) Aluminum oxide which is an amphoteric oxide which is commonly referred to as alumna (α-alumina), aloxide, or corundum in its crystalline form, as well as many other names, reflecting its widespread occurrence in nature and industry. Its most significant use is in the production of aluminum metal. (K2O) Potassium oxide used in the N-P-K (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) numbers on the labels of fertilizers. (TiO2) Titanium dioxide is the most widely used white pigment because of its brightness and very high refractive index, in which it is surpassed only by a few other materials. Approximately 4 million tons of titanium dioxide is consumed annually worldwide. (Na2O) Sodium oxide used in ceramics and glasses, though not in a raw form helps stabilize ZeoFill's structure to maintain stability. (Fe2O3) Iron oxides are widely used as inexpensive, durable pigments in paints, coatings and colored concretes. Colors commonly available are in the "earthy" end of the yellow/orange/red/brown/black range. (CaO) Calcium oxide is also a key ingredient for the process of making both cement and Pulp (paper). 2.4% Clay makes up the rest of the properties which makes ZeoFill the best infill for artificial grass.
Other volcano ash companies have unhealthy properties for artificial grass such as sea shells, boron, molybdenum, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, lead, or magnesium mixed with the Clinoptilolite which can eventually cause blockage for draining or destroy the turf fibers over time.
So, before choosing a company which claims to have the same product as ZeoFill. Do your research!! You will be sorry after time.